Monday 29 July 2013

First check-up post op

We had our check-up today with Mr Graydon and the feedback is that Alex's femur is still in the correct location post-surgery which is awesome.

Alex was very good in the hospital and didn't seem to mind revisiting her old haunts. Especially not where getting a fluffy was concerned. Next step is in four weeks where her first cast will be replaced by another Spica case for a further six weeks. So only 10 week to go until she's out of the full Spica!

She will however have to be in a broomstick cast for a further six weeks after she'd out of the Spica, followed by a further possible six weeks in another broomstick cast. A broomstick cast will allow more movement - it's just the legs connected by a broomstick as per these ones - hardly built for running about but a distinct improvement on the Spica she's in today.

Anyway all-in-all a great day and we're hoping that her recovery continues in the same way.

Also the doctor checked Saksia's hips today - and they are fine but we will also get a CT of her to be sure.

Helping out in the garden over the weekend

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