Monday 30 September 2013

Tomorrow's the day

Should be the last day of the full spica tomorrow and we should be down to broomstick cast. Here's hoping!

Sunday 22 September 2013

Time ticking by

Our last check up went well with the femur still in place and some early indications of improvements in the shape and positioning of the bone and cartillage.

Alex is very confident in her cast and really enjoying transition into toddlerhood.

Like all kids around her age its fascinating watching her speech develop and having fun with words. Were thinking that her speech may be reasonably advanced as a result of her not being able to run around but its only a theory. What we do know is that she has very strong arms and shoulders now!

Our next change of cast is on 1st october at which point she should get a slightly less restrictive cast.

Recent pics below from the last few weeks.