Thursday 22 August 2013

First cast change

Alex is back at home after having her cast changed. She's time and went through the procedure very bravely and pretty much wanted to leave the hospital as soon as the anaesthetic had worn off. The new cast is slightly higher and tighter which annoys her a bit but she's pretty much used to it already.

She had a general anaesthetic and dye injected into her hip so they can see progress. He said that the was still in the right place so thats excellent news.

Now just need to wait for four weeks to see how the cartilage is growing back around the joint and have another scan.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Two weeks until our first cast change

The weeks are now ticking by which is great and we have now been joined by our au pair Karen from Netherlands who moved in Sunday to help out for a few months.

Alex is still pretty happy and loving her outings. Weve managed to keep her cast clean and dry. She does occassionaly still pat her legs and say bet-ter which is a bit heartbreaking but we can only wait.

Sometimes I wonder what shed be up to if she were running around like other kids but mainly I just enjoy being with her and having fun, tickling her, playing games, and dancing like we always have.

She wasn't so sure about the sharks though.

In two weeks she will have her cast changed. This requires a general but no surgery so should only be a day visit.